داستان آبیدیک

kunya urgench


1 تاریخ:: کهنه گرگانج

The economic importance of Maverannahr for the trade of Khorezm is proved by the archaeological and numismatic materials of Khiva and Kunya-Urgench. In the upper layers of Kunya-Urgench there were many copper coins of Bukhara coinage of the 15th-16th centuries (Fedorov-Davydov, 1958. p. 521). The fine samples of the Iranian imported ceramics of 'minai' type were discovered at Kunya-Urgench, Djanpykkala and Mizdakhkan (Vakturskaya 1960. pp. 91-92; Dospanov, 1998. p. 23). It has been disclosed in the layers of Shemakhakala of Kunya-Urgench (Vakturskaya, 1958. p. 324), Kzylkala (Khojaniyazov, Kdyrniyazov, 1989. p. 102), Kavatkala (archive of KGMI), Djanpykkala (archive of KGMI), Erburan (archive of OA KKOAN of Uzbekistan), Shakh-Sanem (Rapoport, 1958. fig. 13, 7), Dargana (Atagarryev, Byashimova, 1979. p. 98) and rural settlements near Daryalykkul (Nerazik, 1976. pp. 90, 100, 117).

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